Many have asked me which breed of dog is the best; I would say it depends on the kind of dog that would suit your preferences, environment, and lifestyle. If you are the type of person who lives in a city, and works eight hours a day, you may not find ample time to walk a pet, therefore a low energy dog that can adapt to a long daily stretch of separation by sleeping the day away, but then spend time with you when you get home in the evening is best recommended. An example of a dog suited for such situation is a Basset Hound.
Every breed has something special that attracts its followers. But still most people talk about the same thing in describing the qualities they get from a dog they consider best. Among these qualities are dogs that are Affectionate, Loyal, Loving, Intelligent and Obedient, Protective, Friendly, Good House Dog, Good Looking & Healthy and Very Remarkable. Now the question is which among the hundreds of breeds has it? Should you go for a purebred dog or a mixed breed?
A Purebred dog is descended from parents belonging to a particular breed, strain or kind over many generations without crossbreeding. Purebred dogs may have pedigrees or family trees that can be traced back for three to five generations and often more. These breed of canines is generally consistent in appearance, size and temperament. They are distinctive and expensive as well. While Purebred dogs have many wonderful attributes, they also have some disadvantages. Among them are price, availability and potential genetic health problems.
On the other hand, mixed breed dog is a combination of different canine races and genes. They are called mongrels or mutts. They are unique, a one of a kind dog. They may be the result of a cross between two known breeds or perhaps of unknown parentage. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They are as smart, beautiful and loving as any purebred plus to mention the affordable price and availability. Also genetic health risks may not appear in mixed breed. Some disadvantages that a mixed breed could have are its unpredictability in terms of appearance and temperament.
It’s easy to be confused when selecting the type of dog to get. It’s like a test and you don’t want to get wrong. Choosing the right dog based on your needs as an owner is one factor to consider and so as to experience a harmonious relationship with your pet. Having the right dog based on your preferences and lifestyle will avoid problems in relating with your pet. There are too many cases of dogs being sent to shelters, or simply abandoned because owners blame their dogs for being uncooperative, going back to the example we have earlier, if a person who loves a dog yet has no time for walks chooses a pet with high energy level such as a Siberian Husky, or belongs to a working group of dogs, I bet he’ll be pissed off and blame the dog for having behavior problems. Dogs under such category will surely go nuts without exercise or work, resulting to destructive behavior such as chewing your shoes or leather sofa. So what happens is you give the dog away, and sadly some owners would even hurt their dogs if it gets worst.
People wanting specific characteristics like looks, size, coat, temperament and ability to work will most likely go for a purebred dog. While those who wish for a unique kind of dog would prefer a mixed breed. No matter what the consequences are in choosing which breed of canine to have, still it’s worth the risk.
I suggest you check the following sites below for some tips on which breed fits your personality.
1.Which Breed Personality is best for you
2.15 Best Breeds for Type A vs Type B personalities
3.Top Dog Breeds for Families
4.Top 10 Most Intelligent Breed
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