Here is a very beautiful tale that is really worth telling our children. A story that will definitely open each one's mind and heart about the wonderful things that dogs do or did for us. We often take them for granted, and its about time we make a difference, by loving and taking care of them, making our dogs feel how important they can be to us.
(Photo via www.safeheaven.us/SafeHeavenGems4.html)
by Elizabeth Hensley
It came to pass when Adam and Eve were cast out of Paradise, they left behind many friendly beasts who felt sorrow at their banishment. In those days before the full effects of The Fall were felt, the beasts could speak with humans and the humans with the beasts. All said farewell to the two, each in their own speech, but Wolf was more sorrowful than all the rest. He was so sorrowful to see them go, to never feel the friendly hand of Man upon his neck or to hear Eve's gentle words, that he brought himself before God's Throne and made an incredible request.
"Lord I wish to go with them."
God looked down at His creature with surprise. "My Wolf, do you not like it in my paradise that you should wish to leave?"
The Wolf bowed his head, his golden eyes filled with love, "My Lord, I love your garden very much, but I fear for what will happen to the Humans outside the Garden. How will they find food? Who will protect them from demons and the terrors of the night? When they multiply upon the face of the Earth, who will watch to keep them safe,one from the other? Who will sing with them in the times of the night so that they may not forget the Awe that is in your Creation? Who will be their friend? Who will remind them that You still love them? I want to help them, God!
God put a gentle hand on Wolf's head and told him: "Before you decide to do this thing I must show you what your future will be and what will be the future of your descendants. Here is what humans will do to you and your seed:
They will not let you mate with the she wolf of your choice, Instead they will select your mates for you and they will breed many strange and twisted kinds of creatures out of your seed.
They will take away your freedom by chaining you up and fencing you in. For many ages they will forget how to understand your language. They will forget that I made you as I made them.
They will practice their medical techniques on you. They will often hurt you very badly.
Some Humans will kick your kind. Some will eat them. They will use your name and the name of your she wolf as an insult, and they will consider you unclean.
When a she wolf has a litter that the humans do not want, they will often kill them rather than find them good homes. Many will operate on you so you cannot have offspring. Some will torture you out of pure meanness.
They will put their collar and tags around your neck and deny you the very right to live should you lack one.
When they first go out into space, they shall send your kind up first, and they shall not bring them back down again alive.
All through history they will love you but they will also abuse you very badly. Think very carefully, Wolf, before you make this decision!"
As God told Wolf of these things, the vision, sound and smell of each torture passed before him so that he knew in his deepest heart of hearts that God was right, and there were tears in Wolf's eyes. "Lord it's horrible! But it is in me to follow them. I must go!
And there were tears in God's eyes, "Such loyalty I have not found in any other of my creatures upon the Earth! I will grant you your request and from this day forward I will also give you a new name. Because your loyalty, your endless love and your ability to forgive mirrors My Own loyalty, My Own endless love and My Own ability to forgive, I will give you a Name that reflects my Name. From now on your name will no longer be "Wolf" but "Dog." the opposite of My own Name, and in the time when all fallen creatures are allowed by my blood to reenter Paradise, you shall go forward and reenter before all others."
And then the Dog left the Throne of God and the Paradise of the Beasts and he followed humanity over all the Earth and to the ends of the stars. He loved them for all Eternity.
"Lord I wish to go with them."
God looked down at His creature with surprise. "My Wolf, do you not like it in my paradise that you should wish to leave?"
The Wolf bowed his head, his golden eyes filled with love, "My Lord, I love your garden very much, but I fear for what will happen to the Humans outside the Garden. How will they find food? Who will protect them from demons and the terrors of the night? When they multiply upon the face of the Earth, who will watch to keep them safe,one from the other? Who will sing with them in the times of the night so that they may not forget the Awe that is in your Creation? Who will be their friend? Who will remind them that You still love them? I want to help them, God!
God put a gentle hand on Wolf's head and told him: "Before you decide to do this thing I must show you what your future will be and what will be the future of your descendants. Here is what humans will do to you and your seed:
They will not let you mate with the she wolf of your choice, Instead they will select your mates for you and they will breed many strange and twisted kinds of creatures out of your seed.
They will take away your freedom by chaining you up and fencing you in. For many ages they will forget how to understand your language. They will forget that I made you as I made them.
They will practice their medical techniques on you. They will often hurt you very badly.
Some Humans will kick your kind. Some will eat them. They will use your name and the name of your she wolf as an insult, and they will consider you unclean.
When a she wolf has a litter that the humans do not want, they will often kill them rather than find them good homes. Many will operate on you so you cannot have offspring. Some will torture you out of pure meanness.
They will put their collar and tags around your neck and deny you the very right to live should you lack one.
When they first go out into space, they shall send your kind up first, and they shall not bring them back down again alive.
All through history they will love you but they will also abuse you very badly. Think very carefully, Wolf, before you make this decision!"
As God told Wolf of these things, the vision, sound and smell of each torture passed before him so that he knew in his deepest heart of hearts that God was right, and there were tears in Wolf's eyes. "Lord it's horrible! But it is in me to follow them. I must go!
And there were tears in God's eyes, "Such loyalty I have not found in any other of my creatures upon the Earth! I will grant you your request and from this day forward I will also give you a new name. Because your loyalty, your endless love and your ability to forgive mirrors My Own loyalty, My Own endless love and My Own ability to forgive, I will give you a Name that reflects my Name. From now on your name will no longer be "Wolf" but "Dog." the opposite of My own Name, and in the time when all fallen creatures are allowed by my blood to reenter Paradise, you shall go forward and reenter before all others."
And then the Dog left the Throne of God and the Paradise of the Beasts and he followed humanity over all the Earth and to the ends of the stars. He loved them for all Eternity.

What a wonderful story for dog lovers and thanks so much for sharing. This is truly a story to learn from.